Address common questions about course formats, accreditation, subscription details, etc.

Our platform provides an extensive range of over 500 online courses in Health & Social Care, Employers Workplace, Hospitality, Business Management, Accounting, and Social Media Marketing, catering to various professional development needs.

Yes, a significant number of our courses are CPD-accredited, ensuring they adhere to high educational standards and are recognized across multiple industries for their quality.

 We offer affordable subscription plans: £15.99 per month or £150 annually for individuals, and £49.99 per month or £500 annually for businesses, which includes access for up to 20 staff members.

Absolutely! We provide a 24-hour free demo access to our platform, allowing you to explore and sample our courses before making a decision to subscribe.

 Most courses are designed to be completed within 1-2 hours, but the actual time may vary depending on your learning pace.

 Yes, each course completion is rewarded with a downloadable digital certificate, which you can print and use for professional purposes.

 Yes, our courses are optimized for mobile access, enabling you to learn conveniently from any device, anywhere.

We offer a 14-day refund policy from the date of purchase. Refunds are granted provided no courses have been fully completed and no certificates have been downloaded.

We regularly update our course offerings with new and relevant content. Subscribers are notified about these updates to ensure they don’t miss out on new learning opportunities.

For any inquiries or support, please reach out to us at [Your Contact Email/Phone Number]. Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you.

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